Sunday 30 September 2018


I want to marry a woman who is smarter;
More than me.
I want to marry a woman who is ambitious;
More than me.
I want to marry a woman who is funnier;
More than me.
I want to marry a woman who is selfless;
More than me.
I want to marry a woman who is better;
in every possible aspect of life,
More than me.
Is it too much to ask? 
I was brought up in a house where the culture is such.  
Yes, my father used to think;
my mother doesn’t know about the tech stuff much. 
But it was she who learnt to make a video call first. 
Coz she had that thirst. 
To learn and not lag behind. 
Just in case she has to be bread earner of the house. 
And play the roles other than a spouse. 
Yet, she is afraid of the mouse. 
But reassures us whenever a doubt may arouse. 
So I leave you all with this question to think
Do you want this? 
Because I would marry someone like this in a blink.


Anonymous said...

Good One Buddy. Loved it.

From: UD/NA

Sneha said...

Loved it! And a question to think

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