Tuesday 26 May 2020


Take me to a place where,

One can lay down;

Without anyone raising their frown.

Take me to a place where,

there stays my favorite season;

I may be able to change it, 

without any reason.

Just like my songs from the playlist.

Take me to a place where,

I can sleep whenever I want.

Take me to a place where,

I will not have to plea for a grant.

Take me to a place where,

I can hop from one cloud to another;

Even if the rain showers;

not one gets bother.

Take me to a place where,

All I wishes get filled.

Take me to a place where,

The beer gets served fully chilled.

Take me to a place where,

Queues cannot be broken;

Every time I recite my poems,

I receive an appreciation token. 

Take me to a place where,

Happiness is mandatory;

No one to be sad, becomes legal statutory. 

Take me to a place where,

The life turns like a stun;

I bright every day like a sun. 

I say please, take me to that place.

Sunday 5 April 2020


It has been long;
Since, I have been facing;
Tremendous shivering.
Every-time I try to;
Uncurtain the coming phase.
The path towards it,
Is completely dark. 
So dark,
that I cant see;
Not even a mark,
Which can guide where to go.
Whenever I curtain it down
My eyes are filled with tear
The fucking trouble
Is that whenever I smile
Trying to copying the clown
The coming out words get fumble 
This is such a pain 
Which in unable to bear
I am looking for the sky;
to get clear. 
I wish I get a lightly 
And stop shouting
Within me ever
Once this is over

अवसरों की खोज में: एक आत्मविश्वास की कहानी

शहर की बेमिती पलकों में, वहाँ एक आदमी का रूप, बेरोज़गारी के आबा में लिपटा, अकेला दिल की धड़कन में, अवसरों के समुंदर में बहती एक अकेला आत्मा,...