Sunday 29 July 2018

A Writer On Loose....

Go run. 
Run and take cover. 
There is a writer on loose. 
Don't let him borrow,
Hide away your sorrow,
There is a writer on loose.
Don't become his muse
and let him use, your story. 
There is a writer on loose.
He hasn't slept all night
He may end up using his own plight. 
There is a writer on loose.
His lungs are filled with smoke
He comes across as a tough bloke. 
There is a writer on loose.
He has a bottle of bourbon in hand
The label is on the bottle is torn but
appears to be a cheap brand. 
There is a writer on loose.
The alcohol subsides the pain
His cast is clean but clothes have stain 
There is a writer on loose
He is all set to cruise 
Ready to be a muse. 
There is a writer on loose.

Saturday 21 July 2018


I want you to come looking
for me, I am lost!
In this deserted land 
where, I am lost!
The sun does not cast shadows
here, I am lost!
The stars hunt under the sky
so clear, I am lost!
I am famished and exhausted
entirely, I am lost!
I have been feeding upon my flesh
for long, I am lost!
All I am left with is this tongue 
singing the song, I am lost!
If you find me don't take me home
please, I am lost!
Bury me in this barren land under
the sand, I am lost!
And instead of tomb stone put a sign
that reads, I am lost!

Saturday 14 July 2018


Thinking about you, 
Every moment of the day;
Thinking of something,
I could say.
To tell you,
How much I Love You;
So if I could just;
I don't know how?
I love you so much
It’s so hard to explain
But I do 
and it drives me insane,
to not have you;
and to feel this way,
It’s really hard,
I miss you babe;
You my love,
You are my everything;
My light, my world, my dream, my sweet girl.
I love everything about you;
Everything and more,
I love the lil' things you do,
which I so much adore,
Never will I find anyone;
close to you.
Never will I ever want;
to replace you,
I want you, 
only you forever;
Thats my need,
Don't want it any other way
I’ll beg on my knees,
cause its hard enough,
not having you now;
But in my heart,
your safe 
And sound you my dear;
My hug bear.
Everything I love about you;
Even today.
I swear
and if true love feels this way
then I'm drowning in a pool of it everyday.
I miss you my love;
Wishing that your were here,
So I could whisper one thing into your ear,
That would be so true and I would say that
I will be love you forever.

अवसरों की खोज में: एक आत्मविश्वास की कहानी

शहर की बेमिती पलकों में, वहाँ एक आदमी का रूप, बेरोज़गारी के आबा में लिपटा, अकेला दिल की धड़कन में, अवसरों के समुंदर में बहती एक अकेला आत्मा,...