Saturday 14 July 2018


Thinking about you, 
Every moment of the day;
Thinking of something,
I could say.
To tell you,
How much I Love You;
So if I could just;
I don't know how?
I love you so much
It’s so hard to explain
But I do 
and it drives me insane,
to not have you;
and to feel this way,
It’s really hard,
I miss you babe;
You my love,
You are my everything;
My light, my world, my dream, my sweet girl.
I love everything about you;
Everything and more,
I love the lil' things you do,
which I so much adore,
Never will I find anyone;
close to you.
Never will I ever want;
to replace you,
I want you, 
only you forever;
Thats my need,
Don't want it any other way
I’ll beg on my knees,
cause its hard enough,
not having you now;
But in my heart,
your safe 
And sound you my dear;
My hug bear.
Everything I love about you;
Even today.
I swear
and if true love feels this way
then I'm drowning in a pool of it everyday.
I miss you my love;
Wishing that your were here,
So I could whisper one thing into your ear,
That would be so true and I would say that
I will be love you forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very hard to depict our feelings,but you nailed out in a very gentle and serene way.

Bravo mate

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