Thursday 1 November 2018


These small groups that form a team,
Should work towards a common goal. 
He read this out loud from the scroll. 

The one that was sent by the high priest. 
He wrote, what he felt and observed. 
No one questions him to say the least. 

But soon in the reign a conflict is raised,
The formula of division is used where the 
Team is divided and the number is mazed. 

The divisor remains out of the bracket,
The one who gets the world gazed. 
And gets the divider divided as a baccate. 

The remainder was getting fumbled;
And not getting to know the solution,
Will it be closed or stay all the time crumbled.

It is then, the quotient above the number;
Scanned the whole division and
Found the way to close the remainder. 

The solution was such that the remainder;
Get jaw lined down for the rest of their time,
As the quotient turns out the scroll of the divider. 

It was completely visible to the priest;
That the reign that belongs to him is covered;
Covered by the shadow of the  beast. 

अवसरों की खोज में: एक आत्मविश्वास की कहानी

शहर की बेमिती पलकों में, वहाँ एक आदमी का रूप, बेरोज़गारी के आबा में लिपटा, अकेला दिल की धड़कन में, अवसरों के समुंदर में बहती एक अकेला आत्मा,...