Saturday 15 September 2018


The brush mixed 
with the colours,
and started running; 
with my stroke.
I was taking some time where,
I was trying to explain my goals;
to the brush.
It takes time,
to draw the track but 
as the brush was losing the colour 
the track was getting invisible, 
It is then the canvas shout and
The brush was thud 
to which it jumps in the colours.
As the tape of the track was getting close, 
This time colours were getting finish,
It looked as if they are done
the brush started to jump 
as fast as possible and 
as the same is important 
the brush started 
making the track full with puddles
And in the last stroke 
The track tape saw visible 
but as I was watching my location 
the track was full of invisible huddles. 
Now I don't know should 
I held my head high on the brush 
or just break it down.

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