Thursday 5 April 2018


Don't do that instead do this. 
You won't believe if I'd tell you,
I was handed a schedule which said 
when to eat and when to piss. 
Frankly speaking my life was a dark abyss.  
Spent all the important years of my life
Searching for that one ray of light. 
Waiting for my turn to take the flight. 
The darkness no longer creeps the fright,
In my hollow soul. 
Which never had a purpose. 
Doubt and hopelessness was fed 
As it was in surplus. 
The shackles are hard to break 
when invisible. 
I can't comment on the fact if I was
One day when the sun did shine bright
I saw a faint ray of light 
Make its way from a crack. 
I was curious, so I followed its track. 
It is not that I had options to choose,
I didn't seem to have as much to loose. 
I dig deep all day all night. 
Until I had the opening in sight. 
I was exhausted to such an extent
That the shackles started to bend. 
The feeling was so warm that 
it helped evaporate my qualm. 
I was free and hopeful all over again,
I was finally rid of all my pain. 
Now when I sit alone at night
and wonder. 
I am not afraid of the darkness or thunder. 
Maybe it was necessary for me to experience pain. 
So that I can be grateful of my gain. 
It sure wasn't a strain 
when I look back now.

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